Spectre - Mal0_Anon - SCP Foundation [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


It all started with that damn picture. It was a cold night and you had just found a link on /x/ it was a mobile application, no other comments just the link. You turned on your ageing phone waiting for it to boot and you clicked on the link, it led you to an application called MalO v.1.0.0 it looked pretty sketchy, with no reviews and all it didn't even have an icon. You installed it anyway, what harm could it do? you thought to yourself. It installed pretty quickly it was only a few megabytes large so that was to be expected, what was unexpected though was the lack of icon, you searched your device hurriedly searching for the application, but it was like you never installed it in the first place... well until the messages started. They were innocent at first, just pictures of some sort of strange figure wearing a mask standing in the distance. until they became more personal, it stood out side your workplace...and finally your house. With the last image you looked at it in surprise, surely it was fake? you thought to yourself. The figure seemed all too real, its tongue glistened with moisture between its canine teeth, and the bone of its face looked chipped and pitted, too realistic to be a fancy mask. As this realisation came to you the front door to your house opened with a a creaking groan. You were no longer alone. Thankfully your bedroom door was already shut, you backed away from the door, feeling your back hit the wall as the creature was slowly making its way up the stairs.

Hunting you.

Shaking with fear you curled up in the corner of your room, the door slowly opens and you hear the noise of it brushing across the carpet as the creature enters. You shut your eyes tight praying that your death is sudden and without agony, you feel the creatures warm, moist breath on your face, it smells like...blood and cinnamon?. You push the thought to the back of your mind, waiting for the creatures jaw to close around your exposed neck, your crimson blood spilling out over the carpet as it ends your life. Instead you feel a hand lightly rest on your forehead, its clawlike nails sharp yet placed with enough care not to damage your skin the creature lets out a strangled laugh its voice layered with static. It was just toying with you, like a cat with a mouse you thought. The creature roughly pulled you up to your feet, pressing you against the wall, it lent against you, its bone muzzle barely inches from your face, its eyes locked on your own. What you didn't expect however is that your attention was drawn more to the pair of voluptuous breasts that were firmly pressed against you than the creatures sharp teeth.

She laughed again, still retaining the undertones of radio static, she put an arm around you,her claws pressed on the back of your neck casually yet purposefully, she opened her jaw slightly a long black tongue snaking out as she slowly and sensually ran it across her teeth in anticipation, she brought her hand downwards unbuckling your belt and easing your trousers down past your hips. You couldn't believe this was actually happening as she shot you a lusty gaze, you were already rock solid and drew in a gasp as she reached to take off your underwear, her body was still pressed against yours and you could feel a warm sensation on your leg she was already dripping wet with need. She started teasingly slow in the revealing of your manhood before growing impatient, she used her claws to tear off your underwear leaving you vulnerable and exposed. She temptingly moved in closer grinding your erect co*ck between both your bodies, she was soft and warm with a covering of smooth almost velvety fur.

She threw you onto your bed before jumping on top of you. You could hear a slight vibrating sound in the air a throaty, needy growl coming from the creature, she eyed your throbbing co*ck you could feel her breath, hot and heavy as she opened her mouth again releasing that tongue of hers as she tenderly gave your shaft a lick lightly tasting the precum that was dripping from the tip, she coiled her tongue around your co*ck as you groaned in pleasure, it felt godlike as she used the strong muscles of her tongue to massage your rock hard dick, saliva coating both your manhood and her jaw, you could feel yourself close to climax, but she wasn't done yet.

She stopped and withdrew her tongue giving you one last drawn out lick before shifting position you were still stuck under her as she slowly eased herself down onto the tip of your dick sending a shudder through your spine as you entered her, she gave you a seductive look staring you dead in the eyes as she rocked her hips back and forth agonisingly slowly teasing your virgin manhood as she slowly fondled her breast after a few thrusts she changed tempo quickly slamming herself down on your co*ck, her tight puss* clamping around your dick, impossibly tight, she moved herself up and down sending waves of pleasure through your body with each thrust as you f*cked her feeling her tight wetness as her moisture dripped down your shaft, she moaned panting heavily as she continued to work your dick, her tight walls making short work of you as you climaxed feeling her throbbing puss* practically milking the cum from you, she climaxed too her legs shaking in pure ecstasy as she dropped down enveloping you fully in her tight folds before withdrawing, leaking hot cum from her virgin hole. She lay down next to you and you both embraced as she tightly wrapped her arms around you, revelling in the afterglow. As you drifted off to sleep you heard her whisper in a soft, loving voice "goodnight Anon".


You woke up in your bed slowly, lying in a pool of your own sweat, you groaned wishing that you had actually met that spooky girl of your dreams. Of course it was a dream, you thought to yourself. There was no way that actually happened. You reached over to the light-switch on the wall turning on your dim bedside light, and there she was... your heart kicked into gear flooding your body with adrenaline as your eyes widened. You reached out with a shaking hand, desperate for proof that you weren't just hallucinating, she looked at your approaching hand with a bemused look, then she spoke. Her voice was soft and feminine with a hint of an electronic buzz lingering at the edges "I'm right here Anon". She took your hand in hers, sharp nails tracing along the back of your hand as she shifted closer.

She had dressed herself in a simple black robe with a hole cut in the back to accommodate her tail, although you had no idea where the clothes had come from, as she definitely wasn't wearing anything when you first met. "H-How do you know my name?" you asked, "Heh, I know many things about you", she responded before adding quite abruptly "Sorry about last night, I was quite overzealous... its just that I've been without someone for so long", she trailed off looking away from you, and you couldn't help but feel yourself warming to this creature, it was obvious she was only here because you had downloaded that app, not like she had any reason otherwise, you didn't have many friends, didn't have much money and it was certain that you didn't have a girlfriend.

"It's no probl-" you started to say but she interjected "If you want me to leave I'll take the door", she sighed and got up, rising to your feet and following her you cried out "No, you can stay...it's alright" the words came out easily, and you knew that you truly hadn't wanted her to leave. "W...What?" she said, whipping her head around to meet your gaze with uncertain eyes. "You can stay" you repeated quietly, nothing prepared you for her response as she ran towards you and wrapped you in a hug, burying her head in your shoulder, "Thank you! thank you! thank you!" she cried out ecstatically as she squeezed you tight. Awkwardly parting from the hug "You should probably, go for a bit so I can get dressed" you told her, revealed that when you were asleep she had managed to at least slightly clothe you, covering your modesty. She quickly left the room, offering a cheery wave as she shut the door behind herself, she seemed to be grinning as she left, you stretched your aching limbs and got dressed, quickly pulling on an old shirt and some jeans.

As you left your bedroom and ventured downstairs a familiar scent caught your attention...was she cooking?, your suspicions were confirmed as you entered the kitchen, as she was wearing an old apron of yours over her robe happily frying some bacon and eggs, her long wolfish tail swishing from side to side. The dining table was set for two, plates and cutlery set out neatly with a small glass of water at each place, you took a seat and she walked over. "Hey Anon, I made ya' breakfast" she stated merrily as she carefully placed some food on each plate, there was more than enough and you tucked in eagerly as she sat across from you, eyeing you apprehensively. "So...how is it?" she asked shyly her eyes flicking from the plate to your face and back again. "It's delicious!" you told her and it was true, that was the best food you had tasted for a long time with the bacon cooked to perfection and the eggs carefully fried. She visible beamed at your praise, and began to eat her own plateful, quickly devouring the food. She finished and ran her tongue across her teeth with relish. "I didn't quite catch your name?" you asked, realising you had no clue what to call her, or even what she was. "Oh, my full name's Mal0 Version one point zero point zero. But you can call me Mal0" she said clasping her hands together as she smiled at you.

And so became your morning routine, from your frequent questions you learnt that she was indeed summoned by the app you had downloaded, and she was a primarily digital being in nature. Apparently many other people had downloaded Mal0s with some being different versions than others, you felt yourself becoming happier in these coming few days with Mal0 by your side, it seemed that people were unable to see her, and so you became more confident in your manner, talking to new people at your job and delivering speeches with ease, it was much easier to talk in front of your boss with Mal0's reassuring hand on your shoulder. You had even decided to take up a gym membership, deciding that if she was perfect for you then you should be perfect for her. You were enjoying life for the first time in what felt like forever, going out with new friends and earning more with your new promotion than you ever had before.

Then the notice came.

You had just finished breakfast when it arrived, a loud rap at the front door, making Mal0 perk her ears up in surprise she had long forgone the black robe, and was wearing a pair of jeans and a black strap top that showed off her shoulders and slender, yet surprisingly muscular arms, a letter was lying on the doormat, a light grey envelope with the word "OFFICIAL" printed on the front with bright red ink, you hesitantly picked it up and returned to your seat, tearing open the envelope you noticed a strange three pronged shield logo on the front, then you began to read Mal0 standing behind you with a hand on your shoulder, reading over your shoulder.

-Dear Mr.Anon

The letter began

-We are writing to inform you that our agents have informed us of your possession of an instance of SCP-1471-A, you are hereby classified as SCP-1471-B and your rights as a citizen of the united states are considered forfeit you are now officially designated an Anomalous entity under Act-34-B of the SCP:Foundation's containment protocol, as of now you and your instance of SCP-1471-A are considered contained due to SCP-1471-A's self concealing nature and your physically normal appearance and behaviour, be warned any attempt to distribute or expose civilians to SCP-1471/1471-A's anomalous effects you will be termed as uncontained and an armed response unit will be sent to your location.
-On a brighter note you have been selected as a candidate for an in depth study of the behaviour and lives of SCP-1471-A instances and affected individuals, you have hereby been granted a Level:0 clearance level and a designation of Foundation_Employee:#2058 on the perquisites that concealed cameras and microphones be placed around your home and you both answer a simple questionnaire on your experiences so far and agree to cooperate with any and all efforts at research and study by the Foundation.-Dr.R.Wolfe

You stared at the letter in disbelief, at first you had a sinking feeling when you read that your rights had just been disregarded. However the fact that you and Mal0 were being allowed to remain together was a surprising benefit, you had no idea who this "Foundation" was but you were more than happy to comply with their requests, you looked to your side at Mal0 attempting to judge her reaction. She looked at the letter then at you, an uncertain smile breaking out on her face.

There came another knock on your door, and without warning it opened, an old and surprisingly friendly looking man stood in the doorway, hands in the pockets of his labcoat, you could just slightly see a large van with the words "Special Construction Partnership" written on its side, no doubt a front company for this mysterious Foundation. Mal0 clutched your arm, observing the strange man with fear, and you could feel her slightly trembling against your arm. "Ah, hello there Anon. Its good to meet you... now if you would step this way please, my name is Dr.Wolfe and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance" he said, with a firm yet kind voice. You obliged, following the doctor out, a team of construction workers, dressed in hardhats and yellow safety jackets entered in your place carrying an assortment of drills and tools. Mal0 watched them enter apprehensively before you both moved to follow the doctor into the back of the van. "Now, you're probably wondering why I can see you" he addressed Mal0 "This is due to memetic resistance training, all Foundation personnel undergo it", he pulled out a piece of paper it was already marked with our names and contained a series of questions and check boxes to answer. "If you would please fill out this together, that would be helpful. I am your head researcher after all" he stated, handing us a pencil and the sheet of questions, there were surprisingly few questions to actually answer but a few looked quite...invasive.

Q1. Do you accept and understand your role and responsibilities as SCP-1471-A/B entities while working with the Foundation.

You shared a glance at Mal0, waiting for her to voice any complaint when she did not you quickly ticked the box labeled yes.

Q2. Do you SCP-1471-B:#2058 feel an emotional connection to your instance of SCP-1471-A

You took a second to realise they meant you before ticking yes without hesitation.

Q3. Do you SCP-1471-A:#2058 feel an emotional connection to your instance of SCP-1471-B

She took the pencil from you and firmly ticked yes, but you both shared a glance when you spotted the next question

Q4. Have you ever taken part in any sexual activity with each other

You both looked at the question and back at the expectant researcher, you took the pencil out of her weak grasp and slowly ticked the yes box. "Ah...I see" the Dr.Wolfe said quietly with a knowing grin "In that case I'll make sure there's no cameras in the bedroom" he gave you a suggestive wink before leaving the van, no doubt sharing your preferences with the construction team, talking of which there was sounds of whirring drills and breaking noises from the house. The questions were temporarily ignored for a minute however when Mal0 asked in a quiet tone "Do drills need holsters?", you gave her a surprised look, one which quickly turned into apprehension as you answered her in a strained voice "No. I don't think they do" you shot another look towards the house before continuing with the last few questions.

Q5. Do you consider your life to be radically changed with the introduction of your SCP-1471-A instance.

You ticked yes before moving onto the next question, which read.

Q6. Do you consider this change to be for better or worse.

You ticked better, thinking back to all the things you had done to make yourself better for her, you even had a gym session coming up tomorrow. You flipped the paper over, finding to your surprise that you had finished the questions. Just in time as Dr.Wolfe walked back in with the construction workers in tow, sneaking a glance at their belt you noticed that they did indeed have holsters, containing sleek deadly looking firearms. Come to think of it their vests looked suspiciously bulky too hiding concealed body armour perhaps? Your thoughts were cut short as Dr.Wolfe motioned you back over to your house, you both entered and looked around in amazement. It was completely spotless, everything was where you left it, and apart from the slight sawdusty smell of plaster in the air there was no sign anything had been done, you searched around looking for the cameras and microphones but there was no sign of them, you were sure they were there just that there was no outward sign of them. Dr.Wolfe chuckled slightly as you fruitlessly searched for the bugs and Mal0 shot him a glare, holding herself tighter to your side.

Time had passed surprisingly quickly and you soon both found yourselves eating dinner at the table, you made small talk, feigning the act of feeling nonplussed at the Foundations observation as you didn't want Mal0 to worry, your tactic seemed to work as you found even yourself forgetting about them as you cracked jokes and laughed with Mal0 over dinner, you continued chatting long into the night and eventually headed off to bed. Mal0 stripped down to her lacy black lingerie, brushing back her flowing midnight black hair back across her shoulders, you stripped down to your underwear and lay down in bed. She lay down next to you and draped an arm over your chest, nuzzling her head against your throat, her cold skull pleasantly cooling your flesh as she cuddled up next to you. You soon drifted off, comforted by the feeling of Mal0s warm body pressed against you.


You awoke to a fresh day, Mal0 was still draped across your chest and had gripped you so tightly in her sleep that there were small indents in your flesh where her fingers pressed into you. You thought back to your first couple of nights, she had filed her nails after once she gripped you so tightly her sharp claws cut and teared into your flesh, much to her distress, you still bore the scar along your side a thin jagged line around 25 centimetres across. You remembered the scream of anguish that had awoken you to a burning ache in your side and Mal0 sitting up across from you, staring at her bloodied hands in abject horror as she let out a wavering whimper, hugging you close to her and then suddenly recoiling to stare at her hands again. It had taken a while to reassure her that you weren't angry at her and that she wasn't to blame. Dismissing the thought you gently prised her hands away from yourself, eliciting a quiet mewl of disappointment from her as you got up to change into your gym gear, you were going for a quick workout before breakfast, and although Mal0 usually came along she waved you on ahead today and you dutifully continued, leaving the house to journey on the short walk to the gym. On your walk you were almost certain that there was a man dressed in business clothes tailing you, probably another Foundation agent.

When you arrived at the gym, which was fairly empty as was to be expected at this time in the morning. You quickly headed to the bench press and started loading a fairly heavy amount of weight on each end, you looked up and saw something that almost made you drop the weight you were loading on, Mal0 had just walked in swapping her usual attire for a tight gym top and some stunning grey yoga pants, your jaw dropped as you took in her shapely form as she purposefully strode towards you. her buttocks and thighs prominently outlined by the tight form hugging material. You turned back to your weights, reluctantly tearing your gaze away from her alluring body. She stood by you, watching as you lay down and shifted the weights into position, pumping them up and down as you did a couple reps. To your surprise Mal0 sat on your lap, throwing you a self satisfied look as she purposefully brushed up against your member, you could feel yourself hardening even as you tried to concentrate on your weights and she shifted round to face you, rubbing more of her crotch up against yours, you gasped in shock as you saw a thin wet line form on the crotch of her pants as she ground herself against you... she wasn't wearing any panties, you grinned and continued your reps paying more attention to her careful movements than to the exercises as you felt her slide and rub around your co*ck, the fabric was soaked now and you were glad she was invisible to other onlookers, as they would take your moans of pleasure to be grunts of exertion. Mal0 started to massage her breast now, pinching and teasing the nipple between her fingers as she continued to hump you through your clothes.

You had finished your workout by now and Mal0 dismounted you, a string of warm liquid hanging between you for a moment, You were got up and were aching with both lust and exertion as you toweled the sweat off your brow and walked to the private showers, motioning with a finger for Mal0 to follow you, she shot you a knowing, lusty glance as she followed you into the showers and you both stripped off in the small room, before walking into the glass walled shower and turning on the water, you could feel it rain down on your head and neck as steam filled the room, Mal0 started to massage your aching shoulders, pressing her soft breasts into your back as you felt her erect nipples press lightly into your flesh. "Heh" she snickered, "Surely you need to relax after such haaard work" she said, placing particular emphasis on the word hard, as she continued to gently knead your shoulders, her supple fingers pressing into the flesh of your neck, she had pressed herself even closer to you now, grinding her hot wetness against your leg as she let out a quavering moan. Arching her back as she pressed closer, her tail swishing and flicking against your calves. You turned around in her grip, flipping the positions around as you pressed her back against the smooth glass of the shower wall. You took a deep breath, savouring her heady scent of smoke, cinnamon and a hint of copper, mixing into the steamy atmosphere as water vapor clouded around your interlocked bodies. The copper was what you had first mistaken for blood when you met her, and you grinned thinking back to that night of fear, passion and lust.

You leaned in for a kiss and she obliged, parting her jaws and slipping her tongue into your mouth, letting out a noise of contentment, you leaned in deeper, the feeling of her cool bone jaws contrasting with the scorching heat of her mouth as her tongue entwined with yours, her metallic taste filling your mouth as you parted your lips further, taking her head in your hands, your eyes closed in bliss as her wet hair draped around your hand and arms. She lifted up one of her legs and hooked it around your lower back, roughly pulling you towards her entrance, you felt the tip of your co*ck brush up against her drenched, quivering folds and she thrusted forwards, your dick meeting at first the resistance of her lips and then sliding gently inside of her as she wrapped her arms around you, a soft "Ohh~" of pleasure escaping her jaws as she felt you move inside of her, you began to gently thrust, never quite exiting her as your co*ck ground and pushed inside of her. Her jaws were hanging open and her tongue lolling out to one side as she panted and whined pressing a hand up against the glass to steady herself, you were already pushing her over the edge as she shuddered and jerked against you in throes of ecstasy.

You could feel pleasure building now, bolts of bliss sparking up your spine with each thrust as your wet flesh slapped against hers, water raining down all around you as your heavy breath added to the steam in the room, her head was tilted back and her knees were trembling as she gave in to org*sm, hilting your throbbing co*ck and lunging forward to bite down softly on your shoulder as she fought against the pleasure that was racing through her body. She let out a loud, deep moan as she came, her walls clenched down hard upon you and she bit down enough to pierce your skin with her sharp teeth, the short stab of pain only sharpening your senses as you continued to ruthlessly pound her. You could feel yourself nearing the finish, your co*ck aching with pleasure as you speared deep inside her. She had gone limp now, only the tight grip of her hand on yours showing she was still conscious, occasionally letting out soft quiet sounds of pleasure as her eyes rolled back "D-Don't stop" she said, as she was nearly climaxing for a second time as you rubbed against her tight puss*. You were going at it with abandon now as you were ready to cum, straining with ecstasy as you started pumping your hot seed inside her as she came too, the force of her org*sm throwing the both of you to the floor, mercifully you landed safely on the wet floor and she was draped across you, breathing heavily as she regained her composure. She looked beautiful as she sat up, still with you inside of her and flung her hair back, framed by the steamy water cascading all around you. She got up on shaky legs, your cum dripping from her as she reached down to help you to your feet, she cleaned herself quickly in the water before following you out of the showers.

You helped her dry herself off, and much to your entertainment she shook her hair like a dog in an attempt to speed up the process, showering you with water droplets. You pulled on your clothes and she did too, giving you a seductive wink as she grinned over your latest adventure, and you both walked hand in hand out of the gym taking the long route home.


The next few days passed with startling regularity, you woke up, ate breakfast with Mal0, worked, came home, ate dinner, chatted a bit and went to sleep. You usually stayed up pretty late, wrapped in each others arms. although each day was similar they didn't feel boring and monotonous in fact they were the opposite, each day with Mal0 felt new and exciting as she even followed you to work, your secluded office was perfect for holding a conversation where others wouldn't intrude. Indeed Mal0 could work on computers and figures faster than you ever could and so you worked as a team, Mal0 handling the spreadsheets and computer documents as you handled the presentations and official documents. she enjoyed helping you and you enjoyed the praise and commendation that flooded in from your superiors as you were handed up for yet another promotion, citing your pleasant work ethic an blinding speed at which you worked, you shared a knowing glance at Mal0 when you were given the speech commending your efforts. She did get rather stressed at the increased workload and you found yourself slipping your hands under the loose collar of her shirt and giving her a shoulder massage as she sat at you desk. She parted her jaws and let out a surprised yet pleasurable groan, pressing herself up in the chair to give you better access as she arched her back. You kneaded her shoulders, feeling the smooth yet short covering of fur brush against your fingertips as you rubbed her aching shoulders in smooth circular motions. One thing quickly led to another and you soon found yourself lying spreadeagled on your desk, scattering pens and paperwork everywhere as she sat ontop of you, fumbling with the buttons on the formal shirt she had taken to wearing while you were both at work. Just as she managed to undo the first couple you heard a loud knock at the door, eyes widening with panic you quickly struggled out of Mal0's grasp and rushed to the door, she unbuttoned the rest of her shirt, exposing her usual lacy black bra as you walked over to the door, your tie askew and shirt ruffled.

Your secretary was at the door, she was new and had in all probability been given to you by the Foundation to monitor you at work. Mal0 walked up behind you, teasingly pressing her breasts into your back as she lent on your shoulder, poking her head over with a wolfish grin as she listened to see why the secretary had interrupted your passionate experience. Much to your chagrin your secretary eyed your ragged appearance before pulling you down by the collar so your ear was held close to her mouth. "Don't you think people would notice you f*cking thin air?" she whispered aggressively, attesting to your suspicions that she was a Foundation operative. She shoved you back roughly, "and you!" she pointed at Mal0 with a stiff finger "calm yourself.." she ordered, a look of appalled revulsion spreading across her face as she noticed her undone shirt and exposed underclothes, she turned on her heel and walked off as Mal0 called after her in a sultry mocking tone "Don't be jealous". Mal0 giggled slightly before buttoning up her shirt and returning to your chair, motioning that you should continue rubbing her shoulders, you did so absentmindedly looking around for the cameras that had undoubtedly been placed around your office. Your attention was drawn from your fruitless searching as you heard the sound of a zipper and Mal0 shifted under your grip and let out a quiet moan, you listened closer until you could hear a wet shlicking sound, looking over her shoulder you realised she was lightly teasing her entrance with a single finger as you massaged her shoulders, thrusting slightly in and out as a string of sticky liquid connected her finger and puss*. It seemed she had decided to pleasure herself anyway, and you felt your boner press up against the hard backing of your chair. You slowed your movements, making them more sensual and deep as you rubbed and touched her, moving one hand up to softly caress her neck and jaw, she let out another suppressed moan, going faster now as she rapidly fingered herself grinding her crotch up against her hand. She quickly came, forcing herself to org*sm early as she rushed along, wary that others could be approaching.

She released a startlingly loud groan of pleasure, hunching over and clenching her thighs around her hand as she came, dripping org*smic fluids onto your seat, she quickly regained stance, panting deeply as she fastened up her trousers and licked her sticky fingers clean, staring you in the eye the whole time as she sensually ran her long, black tongue around her fingers, carefully cleaning her juices off them. You glanced at the clock, and then looked again harder in surprise. Time had flown by and it was pretty much time to leave for home. "Come on" you told her, gathering up your spilled paperwork in a pile on the desk, "I already did" she replied with a seductive wink. You grabbed your keys and walked to the car, she hugged you close for warmth against the cold weather outside as you walked towards your posh vehicle. A sleek black company car, with a logo stenciled on the side along with the company name. You stopped in your tracks... "this never used to be the company name", you voiced aloud as you saw the words on the side of your vehicle that were marked out in stark white capitals. System Confidentiality Professionals, the logo was a stylised computer monitor displaying the familiar three pronged shield logo. The company must have been recently bought, in fact you had heard some talk of a new directors board while you went to grab a coffee for yourself and Mal0 earlier on in the day.

Shaking your head you unlocked the car, and you both got in. Savouring the expensive leather seats as you relaxed, the engine started with a throaty growl as you pulled out of the parking bay, taking the short ramp out into the road as your partner sighed, relaxing back into the comfortable seats of the vehicle, tilting her ivory head up as she closed her eyes. You smiled as you drove across the smooth tarmac, feeling the suspension systems of your new vehicle make the ride feel as if you were gliding across thin air. You were being followed by a bulky looking truck, no doubt armoured as you rolled your eyes the Foundation rarely left you alone. As you approached the rather quiet side road to lead you home Mal0's eyes shot open. "A-Anon we should pull over, I have a bad feeling about this", you shrugged nonplussed as you answered "We're gonna be fine, hell we have the Foundation right behind us anyway" this journey was uneventful, quite relaxing actually as this road was rather short. "ANON LOOK OUT, CAR!" she yelled in panic, and you turned your head to look, a second too late as the vehicles collided, you heard a piercing shriek and the car flipped, you blacked out. Feeling faint as you opened your eyes, coughing as smoke filled your lungs as you took a deep breath, you must have been thrown from the wreckage, a blurry mass of colour was present in your vision and quickly sharpened to reveal the scene of chaos, the other car was burning, its red paint charred and cracked as fire licked up from under the hood, you heard another wavering scream and you dragged your gaze to your own car. Mal0 was caught underneath the wreckage, her torso sticking out from under the crumpled hood, dark grey blood staining her shirt, as it pooled on the ground around her. You felt tears prick at your eyes as you crawled towards her, hearing the screech of tyres as another vehicle pulled up on the scene. She screamed again, her eyes focused on yours with intensity, as she struggled to free herself from the crash, you looked at her body and your heart caught in your throat as you saw a thin part of the metal frame spearing through her back, puncturing through her body to meet the ground, her dark blood trickling along its length. She reached forward, your mouth opened and a high keening wail leapt forward from your lips, you couldn't hear a thing, blood rushing in your ears as you crawled forward towards her, desperate to stay with her. She coughed and spluttered, heaving up dark watery blood, it dripped and ran out of her mouth as she reached forward towards you, cuts and scrapes lining her arm as you saw with horror, one of her fingers was broken, hanging limply from a thread as she screamed again, the noise cutting to your very core, even as you heard doors slamming and the pound of boots on concrete. "GET HIM TO THE BASE NOW!!" you heard someone yell, as strong gloved hands gripped you, pulling you away from her as you fought against them, breaking free and scrabbling towards her broken form, she looked up with desperate dying eyes, stretching her hand out to meet yours, her jaw opened as she coughed up yet another load of blood, fighting for breath as she choked on the very thing that was meant to keep her alive. Splattering you with gore, you pushed on forwards, ignoring the hands reaching for you as your fingertips brushed against hers "I-I'm sorry" you told her, tears dripping down her face. She went to speak, jaws parting, but before you could hear what she had to say, a firm boot kicked your hand away from her grip, before someone grabbed you in strong,rough arms. "GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" you heard the same official, commanding voice order as you were pulled away. Still looking at her impossibly twisted form, she stared you dead in the eyes, a look of sorrow and longing on her face as she slumped to the floor, her chest still. You cried out for her, begging for her to come back as you felt a hypodermic syringe prick against your neck, you went limp feeling consciousness fade, the last thing you saw was her lifeless body, draped across the concrete in a pool of her own blood. "LEAVE THE SCIP" you heard ordered, and you futilely struggled against the solid hands on your body as you drifted into forced unconsciousness.

You came to in a cold, sterile laboratory, "Okay he's awake" you heard a feminine voice call from behind you. A familiar face was in front of you, Dr.Wolfe sat with a thin grimace on his face. You felt grief build inside of you as you remembered what had happened, you didn't need to ask. You had felt a part of yourself die. Struggling against the medical equipment attached to your body, you attempted to sit up, "allow me" said the doctor, walking over and unfastening many surgical monitors and devices with a practiced hand and you winced as he pulled out the IV line that was connected to your arm.

"It seems" he said with a sigh "that we no longer require your cooperation... please sign here and we will end this, albeit in a while as we still need to monitor your condition", you numbly gripped the pen he offered in shaking fingers and signed your name on the dotted line, feeling sick to your stomach at the finality it represented. After signing you were led down a bright fluorescent lit hallway and out to a vehicle, a rough hood was pulled over your face as you were shoved into the truck. As you curled up on the floor, you started crying heavily, lamenting your loss, thinking back to everything you had done and would never do again. Never to feel the touch of her warm fur on your body as you slept, never to feel the close reassurance as she gripped your hand, never to feel whole again. It felt like your heart had been torn lose and replaced with an empty void.


The next few months passed slowly, each day you woke up to an empty bed, your face slick with tears. You kept reliving those horrendous events that had happened in the crash, and you felt your mind collapsing and your body growing weak as you found yourself talking to empty air. Desperate for the touch of her hand or the scent of her skin. You were berated at work for your lack of performance and snappy behaviour, you gave up on the gym as your resolve broke, you were faced with the crippling debt from the car crash as witnesses stated you were delirious and obviously under the effect of some drug that made you hallucinate. Your friends left, telling you that you "just weren't fun to be around anymore" and you gave up. Spending most nights crying and shaking, sometimes screaming in anguish sometimes just lying silently, tears rolling down from your face.

You had given up, it just wasn't worth it anymore, you reminisced. Heading opening a cupboard and checking that you knot held, you pulled on the ceiling fan... it held strong, perfect. You stared at the noose, breathing deeply. Your arms trembled as you reached up and held the rope feeling its course roughness between your fingers. You pushed the bed out of the way, you weak arms shaking as you heaved it to the side, placing a chair where it had once been. You felt your life flash before your eyes, gritting your teeth as you were faced with the painful memories of your time with Mal0, you cried out, gripping your head in your hands as you begged it to stop. Tears, aching and hot spilled out and you tasted their salty tang on your lips as you slipped the rope around your neck.

"I-...I'm sorry Mal0," you said as the words came flooding out now "it was my fault, I should h-have listened" your chest jerked as you fought between each shuddering breath, "I'm so sorry..." you felt the coarse rope press against the tender flesh of your throat as you sobbed, pining for your loss, the pain burning and aching inside as you prepared to give up. You moved yourself to the edge of the chair, eyes shut tight as you steeled yourself for the biting pain and the hollow, needy ache of asphyxiation. You could swear you heard a scream as you jumped, the world seeming to run in slow motion as your feet left the chair, you shut your eyes, praying it would be quick, you could feel the rope jerk, catching tight on your neck. There wasn't enough height to break it and you waited for the pain to come as you would start to shudder and twitch from lack of oxygen.

Instead you felt yourself wrapped in a familiar pair of strong arms, soft fur brushing against your face as your nostrils filled with the scent of smoke and cinnamon. You felt her chest shudder as she cried and wailed, clutching you tightly to her breast, your head pressed against her shoulder as the rope chafed and tugged on your neck, too loose to fulfil its purpose as a pair of sharp jaws bit through the rope with ease. You collapsed, her arms the only thing holding you upright as you cried, cried in relief, cried for the things you thought were lost. "I-I'm so sorry..." you repeated, choking the words out as you fought to breath. She brought you closer still, sitting down on the bed as she cradled you close, both of you crying openly, her smoky tears falling to land on your face as she took your jaw in her hand, tilting her muzzle down to give you a kiss on the forehead as you held each other tightly, a few locks of her hair falling around your face as she looked down, you reached up with a weak hand and caressed her jaw, gazing into her gentle, loving eyes as you felt yourself grow whole again. You would get through this. With Mal0 by your side, you would get through this.

You felt yourself slipping, the stress and strain you had just gone through mentally proving too much for your weakened body as you sagged, going limp against her strong form as she lay down next to you, still holding you tight, reassuringly close as you drifted off. Her soft hands brushing the last few tears from your eyes as you curled up in her warm embrace, feeling the fierce ache inside yourself subside as you were together again...finally.


Spectre - Mal0_Anon - SCP Foundation [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.