Sandstone: What It Is and What It Tells Us (2024)

Sandstone, simply put, is sand cemented together into rock — this is easy to tell just by looking closely at a specimen. But beyond that simple definition lies an interesting makeup of sediment, matrix,and cement that can (with investigation) reveal a great deal of valuable geologic information.

Sandstone Basics

Sandstone is a type of rock made from sediment — a sedimentary rock. The sediment particles are clasts, or pieces, of minerals and fragments of rock, thus sandstone is a clastic sedimentary rock. It is composed mostly of sandparticles, which are of medium size; therefore, sandstone is a medium-grained clastic sedimentary rock. More precisely, sand is between 1/16 millimeter and 2 mm in size (silt is finer and gravel is coarser). The sand grains that makeup sandstone are aptly referred to as framework grains.

Sandstone may include finer and coarser material and still be called sandstone, but if it includes more than 30 percent grains of gravel, cobble or boulder size it's classified instead as conglomerate or breccia (together these are called rudites).

Sandstone has two different kinds of material in it besides the sediment particles: matrix and cement. Matrix is the fine-grained stuff (silt and clay size) that was in the sediment along with the sand whereas cement is the mineral matter, introduced later, that binds the sediment into rock.

Sandstone with a lot of matrix is called poorly sorted. If matrix amounts to more than 10 percent of the rock, it is called a wacke ("wacky"). A well-sorted sandstone (little matrix) with little cement is called an arenite. Another way to look at it is that wacke is dirty and arenite is clean.

You may notice that none of this discussion mentions any particular minerals, just a certain particle size. But in fact, minerals make up an important part of sandstone's geologic story.

Minerals of Sandstone

Sandstone is formally defined strictly by particle size, but rocks made of carbonate minerals don't qualify as sandstone. Carbonate rocks are called limestone and given a whole separate classification, so sandstone really signifies a silicate-rich rock. (A medium-grained clastic carbonate rock, or "limestone sandstone," is called calcarenite.) This division makes sense because limestone is made in clean ocean water, whereas silicate rocks are made from sediment eroded off the continents.

Read MoreDiverse Sedimentary Rocks UnveiledBy Andrew Alden

Mature continental sediment consists of a handful of surface minerals, and sandstone, therefore, is usually almost all quartz. Other minerals—clays, hematite, ilmenite, feldspar, amphibole, and mica— and small rock fragments (lithics) as well as organic carbon (bitumen) add color and character to the clastic fraction or the matrix. A sandstone with at least 25 percent feldspar is called arkose. A sandstone made of volcanic particles is called tuff.​

The cement in sandstone is usually one of three materials: silica (chemically the same as quartz), calcium carbonate or iron oxide. These may infiltrate the matrix and bind it together, or they may fill the spaces where there is no matrix.

Depending on the mix of matrix and cement, sandstone may have a wide range of color from nearly white to nearly black, with gray, brown, red, pink and buff in between.

How Sandstone Forms

Sandstone forms where sand is laid down and buried. Usually, this happens offshore from river deltas, but desert dunes and beaches can leave sandstone beds in the geologic record too. The famous red rocks of the Grand Canyon, for instance, formed in a desert setting. Fossils can be found in sandstone, although the energetic environments where sand beds form don't always favor preservation.

Sandstone: What It Is and What It Tells Us (2)

When sand is deeply buried, the pressure of burial and slightly higher temperatures allow minerals to dissolve or deform and become mobile. The grains become more tightly knit together, and the sediments are squeezed into a smaller volume. This is the time when cementing material moves into the sediment, carried there by fluids charged with dissolved minerals. Oxidizing conditions lead to red colors from iron oxides while reducing conditions lead to darker and grayer colors.

What Sandstone Says

The sand grains in sandstone give information about the past:

  • The presence of feldspar and lithic grains means that the sediment is close to the mountains where it arose.
  • Detailed studies of sandstone give insight into its provenance—the kind of countryside that produced the sand.
  • The degree to which the grains are rounded is a sign of how far they were transported.
  • A frosted surface is generally a sign that sand was transported by wind—that, in turn, means a sandy desert setting.

Various features in sandstone are signs of the past environment:

  • Ripples can indicate the local water currents or wind directions.
  • Load structures, sole marks, rip-up clasts, and similar features are fossil footprints of ancient currents.
  • Liesegang bands are signs of chemical action after burial of the sand.

The layers, or bedding, in sandstone are also signs of the past environment:

  • Turbidite sequences point to a marine setting.
  • Crossbedding (truncated, tilted sandstone layering) is a rich source of information on currents.
  • Interbeds of shale or conglomerate may indicate episodes of different climate.

More About Sandstone

Sandstone: What It Is and What It Tells Us (3)

As a landscaping and building stone, sandstone is full of character, with warm colors. It can also be quite durable. The majority of sandstone quarried today is used as flagstones. Unlike commercial granite, commercial sandstone is the same as what the geologists say it is.

Sandstone is the official state rock of Nevada. Magnificent sandstone outcrops in the state can be seen at Valley of Fire State Park.

With a great deal of heat and pressure, sandstones turn to the metamorphic rocks quartzite or gneiss, tough rocks with tightly packed mineral grains.

Sandstone: What It Is and What It Tells Us (2024)


Sandstone: What It Is and What It Tells Us? ›

Sandstone, a sedimentary rock, is formed when grains of sand are compacted and cemented together over thousands or millions of years. The sand grains often are composed of the minerals quartz or feldspar that were worn off other rocks and ground down into pebbles.

What does sandstone tell us? ›

Colors tell us where the stone was formed

It's almost always light colored because quartz is clear or white. The colors come from the mineral cement that binds the quartz grains together. If a sandstone is dark grey or dark brown, it's probably made of something other than quartz.

What does sandstone do spiritually? ›

Metaphysical Properties

Sandstone is a stone of creativity. It helps to build and strengthen the cohesiveness and solidarity within relationships. Encourages truth and promotes clarity in thought and sight. Sandstone balances one's reality and facilitates ease of movement and change.

What is the significance of sandstone? ›

Sandstones are economically important as major reservoirs for both petroleum and water, as building materials, and as valuable sources of metallic ores. Most significantly, they are the single most useful sedimentary rock type for deciphering Earth history.

What are 3 properties of sandstone? ›

Physical Properties
  • It has a hardness of 6 to 7, and conchoidal fractures are present.
  • It has coarse to fine grain size.
  • Sandstone is a highly porous natural stone.
  • It has 95.00 N/mm2 compressive strength.
  • It has 2.6 toughness and 2.2 to 2.8 specific gravity.
  • The density of Sandstone is between 2.2 to 2.8 g/cm3.
Mar 27, 2023

What are the 5 uses of sandstone? ›

Sandstone represents ancient stream, deltaic, or beach deposits. Uses for sandstone include: liners for steel furnaces; as building stone; as an abrasive; for golf-course trap sand; and in making glass, computer chips, fiberglass, TV screens, and paint.

What makes sandstone unique? ›

Iron oxides, manganese oxides and other impurities can cause bright and contrasting colors in sandstones. These colors are what gives sandstone its unique character and ornamental desirability. The colors range from bright whites, reds, yellows, oranges and even purples and greens.

Is sandstone high energy? ›

For example, sandstones consist of fairly coarse grains (you can feel their roughness with your fingers) and are indicative of high-energy environments such as dunes, rivers and beaches.

What are the benefits of sandstone? ›

The durability and resistance of sandstone are two differentiating aspects that make it an ideal choice not only for indoor but also for outdoor projects. Precisely, its ability to resist erosion, climatic changes and its anti-slip properties make it suitable for outdoor areas with adverse weather conditions.

What does sandstone turn into? ›

When sandstone is subjected to the great heat and pressure associated with regional metamorphism, the individual quartz grains recrystallize, along with the former cementing material, to form the metamorphic rock called quartzite.

What is the strength of sandstone? ›

The compressive and tensile strength of coarse sandstone is the lowest, with an average value of 3.91 and 0.18 MPa. The compressive and tensile strength of siltstone is the highest, with average values of 31.87 and 2.27 MPa, which are 8.15 and 12.61 times those of coarse sandstone, respectively.

Why do people like sandstone? ›

Sandstone is commonly known for its outdoor purposes, such as paving driveways or garden decoration, but it actually offers much more. It can even be used as a building material for your new residential or commercial project because the finish and durability it offers is worth the money.

What is the best use of sandstone? ›

Sandstone is used in the building of homes and outdoor structures, such as gates, outdoor ovens, fireplaces, patios or porches, retaining walls and walkways. An outdoor furniture, such as garden benches or patio tables can be made of sandstone material.

What are the magical properties of sandstone? ›

Here are some of the metaphysical properties associated with sandstone:
  • Sandstone shields against negative energy and protects the wearer from harm. ...
  • Sandstone develops psychic abilities and intuition. ...
  • Sandstone connects with stability and grounding energies. ...
  • Manifestation.

What gems form in sandstone? ›

If the water has interacted with silica-rich rocks (e.g., sandstone), silica-rich minerals will form: Silica (SiO2)-based minerals: amethyst (quartz); agate ; and the formation of opal. Of these, only opal is non-crystalline (ordered blobs of gel less than a micron in diameter).

Is sandstone strong or weak? ›

Sandstone is the main type of building stone used in Scotland. As it's relatively soft, sandstone can be easier to shape and carve than other stones. It's a sedimentary rock, formed of layers, and is much more resistant to weight when the layers are horizontal.

What is the advantage of sandstone? ›

Benefits of Sandstone as a Building and Walling Material:

Durability: Sandstone is a hard and dense material that is highly resistant to weathering and erosion. This makes it an ideal choice for outdoor walls and retaining walls, as it can withstand the elements for many years.

What is the most defining characteristic of sandstone? ›

Characteristics of Sandstone: A sedimentary rock consisting of sheets of sand, mineral particles, and binding matrix deposited one atop in water environments and desert formations. Very porous and water will penetrate it easily. Brown, red, purple, and pink sandstones are commonly called brownstone.

What depositional environment does sandstone indicate? ›

The depositional environments associated with sandstones are very important and they range from terrestrial to deep marine, including: Fluvial (alluvial fans, river sediments); Deltaic (levees, distributary deposits ,mouth bars and other sediments formed where river meets a lake or sea); Aeolian(wind-blown dune sands ...

What are the strengths of sandstone? ›

The Compressive Strength of Sandstone

When assessing construction materials, compressive strength – the capacity to resist 'push' or 'squeeze' forces – is a critical factor. Sandstone excels in this area, boasting a compressive strength typically ranging from 35 to 40 Megapascal (MPa).

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.