My Account | Midco Account & Billing Support (2024)

  • My Account
    • Create My Account
    • My Account App
    • Contact Preferences
    • Remove My Account
  • Outages
  • Technician Visit
  • Online Ordering
  • Customer Security
  • Connect-A-Friend
  • Vacation Plan
  • Severe Weather Assistance
  • Equipment Return

My Account

Unlock the full potential of your Midco account with My Account. Sign up and access all your Midco information. With My Account, you can:

  • View your statement and pay your bill.
  • Manage account details, users and profile info.
  • Set notification preferences.
  • Get important account notifications.
  • Find personalized support and troubleshooting tips.
  • Explore your current plans and equipment.
  • Activate, troubleshoot or reboot your equipment.
  • See current service outage updates.
  • Log in to the MidcoTV app, the Midco Wi-Fi app and TV Everywhere streaming.
  • And more!

Take your account with you – wherever you go. The My Account app is available from the App Store® or Google Play™.

Learn about My Account app

Register for My Account

Sign up for My Account to manage your services, pay your bill and more.

Create My Account login

Password & PIN

Can’t remember your password for My Account? Need to find your account PIN? We can help. Find out how to change your PIN and reset your password.

My Account password and PIN

Billing & Payments

My Account makes it easy to view your statement, set up automatic payments online and make a one-time payment.

Set up a one-time payment

Create auto pay schedule

Account Notices & Settings

You can enroll for paperless billing and sign up for other email or text notices from Midco – all in My Account. See how you can be informed faster and go green, plus modify other settings for your Midco account.

Edit account notices and settings

Remove My Account

You can request for your account profile and associated data to be deleted.

Remove My Account

Payment or Statement Viewing Issues?

If you’re having trouble making an online payment or viewing your statement online, you may need to disable your browser’s pop-up blocker.

Disable Pop-Up Blocker

Google Chrome
  1. Select the pop-up blocked icon in the address bar.
  2. Choose Always allow pop-ups from
  3. Click Done.


  1. Select the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
  2. Choose Settings and then Show advanced settings.
  3. In the Privacy and Security section, click Content settings.
  4. In the Pop-ups section, select Allow all sites to show pop-ups.
Mozilla Firefox
  1. On the browser toolbar, select the Firefox menu.
  2. Choose Options and then Privacy & Security.
  3. In the Permissions section, uncheck Block pop-up windows.
Safari (Windows & Apple)
  1. Open Preferences, and click Security.
  2. Uncheck Block pop-up windows.
Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
  1. Choose Tools, Internet Options and then Privacy.
  2. Uncheck Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.
Microsoft Edge

When you’re trying to open a window launching as a pop-up, select Always Allow on the notification at the bottom of your screen.

Tech Requirements

You can access My Account from any computer with an internet connection and a web browser that supports 128 bit encryption.

  • My Account online is optimized for the three most recent versions of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
  • For system requirements for the My Account app, view the app description in your preferred app store.

Online Security

On, we’ve implemented several security methods to protect your data when performing transactions or making account updates with Midco. This functionality applies to My Account and Shop functions.

  • A unique User ID and password only you know – as long as you don’t share your login with anyone else
  • Secure Socket Layers (SSL) to ensure your internet connection and information are secure from outside inspection
  • 128-bit encryption makes your information unreadable as it passes over the internet
  • Automatic sign out if you’ve been inactive for more than 20 minutes

When enrolling in online accounts, making payments and shopping online, we strongly encourage you to use a private computer on a password-protected internet connection. Using public computers (such as schools and libraries) – or using your own computer or device while on public Wi-Fi – increases the risk of your information being compromised.

Need More Help?

Quick Links: Make a Payment , Payment Due Date , Access My Account

Quick Links:
Make a Payment
Payment Due Date
Access My Account

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1 The My Account app is available only for residential customers and may not contain functionality for all services. 2 Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.

My Account | Midco Account & Billing Support (2024)


Does Midco have 24-7 support? ›

Want to talk things through? We're here with technical support 24/7.

Where can I pay my Midco bill? ›

Phone: Call 1.800.888.1300 to pay with your credit card, checking or savings account. Mail: Send your check with your statement stub or name and account number to: Midco, PO Box 5010, Sioux Falls, SD 57117.

What is a Midco account? ›

My Account is the place to manage your Midco services, view and pay your bill, and get updates on your Midco services. You can also access TV Everywhere (if you subscribe to a TV package from Midco) with your My Account email address and password.

How to end Midco service? ›

For other orders or upgrades, call us at 1.800. 888.1300, especially if you're moving Midco services or if the address lookup on our website prompts you to give us a call. If you want to cancel services, please call us at 1.800. 888.1300.

How do I talk to someone at Midco? ›

The toll-free Midco phone number to connect with the company is 1-800-888-1300. Similarly, the Midco customer service number is 1-605-330-4083 if you are trying to reach out for general information about the company and its services.

How much does it cost to rent a modem from Midco? ›

Services may not be available in all areas, and some restrictions apply. Visit to check serviceability, or contact us at 1 Customer is responsible for modem purchase or lease required for Midco internet. Modem lease price is $9 for standard modem or $11 for Midco Wi-Fi.

How much is Midco internet per month? ›

Midco Cable Internet Plan Options
Internet plansPriceMore information
Midco Gig Internet$74.95 per month800-888-1300
Midco Internet 500$64.95 per month800-888-1300
Midco Internet 200$54.95 per month800-888-1300
Midco Internet 100$44.95 per month800-888-1300
2 more rows

How do I find my Midco pin number? ›

Account PIN

Visit our Reset Password and PIN page for instructions on how to update your pin. If you forgot your PIN, you need to contact us to reset it. NOTE: Midco will never give out your PIN.

Does Midco have a cancellation fee? ›

If you discontinue all Midco services prior to the end of the three-year term set out in this agreement, you will be assessed an early termination charge equal to $5 per month for each remaining month in the agreement.

Where can I find my Midco account number? ›

You'll need a few things before getting started.
  1. Your Midco account number from the first page of your Midco statement.
  2. Your PIN, which may be a Midco-issued PIN.

Is Midco a good internet? ›

Midco is the best internet service provider for most households in North Dakota, thanks to its wide availability, fast speeds and a reputation for good customer service. However, Midco service isn't available everywhere in North Dakota.

What is my account used for? ›

myAccount enables you to access PAYE services (including Jobs and Pensions), Local Property Tax, Home Renovation Incentive and many more services using a single login and password.

How do I turn off my Internet service provider? ›

How to cancel your home internet service
  1. Shop your internet options.
  2. Plan for your cancellation.
  3. Set up new service.
  4. Call to cancel.
  5. Return all equipment.
Mar 12, 2024

What does aborted mean on Midco? ›

Aborted: Payment cancelled by the system.

How do I change my midco WIFI? ›

If you self-install your own router or you want to change your network information later on, you can log in to your router to view and change your Wi-Fi name and password. You can also view and edit this information in the Midco Wi-Fi app (available with Midco Freestyle Wi-Fi).

What is the phone number for Midco complaint? ›

Inquiries, general questions, or complaints may be directed informally to Midco by telephone, in person, or in writing at Midco's office located at 3901 N. Louise Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57107. Business and Residential customers can reach Midco's Customer Service Department by dialing toll-free: 1-800-888-1300.

Is Midco owned by Comcast? ›

Headquartered in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and operated as a joint venture between Midcontinent Media and Comcast, Midco provides service to 200 communities both urban and rural, serving an area that covers over 1.2 million people.

What is the phone number for Samsung 24 7 support? ›

As always, we're ready to serve you online at with round-the-clock chat, and on Facebook Messenger and Twitter. You can reach us by phone at 1-800-SAMSUNG. Nothing matters more to us than the relationships that we've built with our customers over the past 40 years in America.

How does Midco Everywhere work? ›

You can stream your favorite shows and movies online or through an individual network app downloaded on your device. We use your Midco account credentials (managed in My Account) to confirm access to TV Everywhere networks. To see the TV Everywhere networks available with your cable TV package: Log in to My Account.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 5372

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.